Mother’s Day 2010 will go down in my memory book. The gifts (chocolates, flowers, spa certificates, clothing, etc.) were great. The greatest gifts though were:
-The flower from Michael.

-The handprint and poem from Michael.

Click to enlarge (cute poem!)
-My husband volunteered to do the laundry! My husband is awesome and does a lot around the house (dusting, vacuuming, mopping, etc.). The laundry just isn’t his thing though. We have been married almost 8 years and he has never done the laundry. Here’s the craziness though…I ended up doing the laundry. (It was easier for me to do it than to walk him through it step by step.) The thing about laundry is that I don’t mind the putting it into the washer and the dryer. It is the folding that I don’t like to do. So guess who folded the laundry this weekend? That’s right…my husband! It was the best Mother’s Day memory ever! (He wouldn’t let me snap a photo of him doing it though. “Take a mental picture!” he said. Good enough.) Did I mention that he started my day off with the only coffee drink that I like, a caramel frappuccino from Starbucks AND cooked me my favorite meal for dinner? He is such a keeper!
(Sean is so sweet. He said, “I didn’t get you anything Mama.” That’s alright. He signed (with help) a card, and gave me a lot of hugs and kisses. I’ll take it!)

I hope that you all enjoyed Mother’s Day with your families. Did anything in particular make you feel extra special this year?