77kids Do Good Day Was Even Better Than I Expected

Earlier this week, I wrote about how I was going to be participating in 77kids Do Good Day. Today was the special day…and the rain did not put a damper on our enthusiasm. In fact, the rain stopped at just the right time in order for the NYC team to give out flowers (and dollars!) to pleasantly surprised New Yorkers.

The NYC team’s day started off at the American Eagle Design Studio. We had a video conference with Betsy Schumacher, the Senior VP of Merchandising at American Eagle Outfitters. Three things stood out to me as I listened to this mom (of triplets!) speak:

1. She really wants kids to feel confident when they wear the 77kids clothing.

2. The stores have a unique design – fun and adventurous.


3. American Eagle really wants to do good things for the community with the 77kids brand. That is shown in part by the fact that they didn’t pay a celebrity to do the promotional work for the brand. Rather, they hired real moms (like me!) to spread the word and to “do good” in a variety of cities.

After the teleconference, we had a chance to speak with Sarah Hough, the VP of Design at 77kids (and a mom of twins) in the New York office. We also had a chance to look at some of the current and future designs. They were really wonderful. (I’m not just saying that because I was a part of this project either.) Rather, the fabrics and detail were exceptional in the baby, toddler and older kids (5-14) line. I liked that the girls’ clothing was current but kid-appropriate. (I really don’t like seeing young girls dressed like twenty year old women!) I was especially pleased with the clothing for the boys, because it can be hard to find something “different” in boys’ clothing. You can see the detail and variety for yourself below:

The only thing that I wasn’t happy about was that there are no plans to open a NYC 77kids store in the near future. Their first store will be opening tomorrow. Then, one to two stores will be opened a week until a total of five stores are opened. If all goes well, twenty to fifty new stores will be opened next year. I saw some of the design plans for the stores and it is obvious that moms were involved in the planning process. The stores have room to get around (a “nod” to the triple stroller wielding VP) comfortably. Sara’s “thing” was that she wanted all of the denim in one spot, so that it will be easy for parents to pick the style(s) that they like all at once. That inspired the “Denim Canyon”. Lastly, moms know that the more fun an experience is for the kids, the better for the mom! That is why the stores will have these interactive screens with several features (music that the kids can choose; a photo booth where the kids can customize their Polaroid-styled prints and a feature where the kids can strike a pose in key fashion looks of the season…like mannequins). How cool is that? I want one of those screens! Oh well…there will be a store opening in Danbury, CT next week and we can buy everything online at 77kids by american eagle.

After eating lunch at the studio, we hit the streets to do good. It was a fun little venture. My fellow team member Emily had picked up some gorgeous flowers (gerbera daisies, sunflowers, etc.) from Stone Kelly that we handed out near Grand Central. At first, people averted their eyes and walked quickly by us. They thought that we were trying to sell them something! In a short while though, people started to stop and talk along with accepting the flowers (and dollars!). Several people mentioned how we had made their day. The thing about doing good though is that you usually get more than you give. My morning had started out a little stressful, but all of that melted away as I talked, laughed and interacted with everyone. Smiles are contagious!

In any event, I was able to hand out all of my flowers and 76 dollars in a short period of time along with my other team members. (I saved the last one for Michael…he has a thing about “dollars” and charity begins at home!) Later tonight, I discussed my day with the boys. “Can we do that with you the next time?” Michael asked. “I want to hand out dollars to poor people!” I thought to myself, “If I went along with all of your “do good” ideas, we will be the poor people!” I said, “Sure honey. That sounds like a great idea.” It does.

In any event, I received several 15% off coupons for 77kids by american eagle as part of my “do good” package. If you leave me a comment in the section below sharing how you plan to “do good” this summer, I will send you one. Enjoy doing good!

*Disclosure: As I mentioned in my former post, I was compensated monetarily to be a part of this special day. The smiles from the recipients were just my “bonus”.