Happy New Year! I’m excited for 2020. I didn’t blog a lot in 2019 yet (to my pleasant surprise) around 25,000 folks continued to visit this site each month. Thanks, Pinterest!
I have more time to devote to writing this year since both family and other work obligations have calmed down. I have been cleaning out my MitC archives and it has been like taking a stroll down memory lane. It’s hard to believe that these “boys in boxes” are now in middle and high school!

Before looking forward, it’s always good to look back. That is why I checked the most popular posts for 2019…
Top 9 for 2019
Obviously, food and recipes are still a big hit. That works well for my 2020 blog plans. I looked through the 2019 photos on my phone and there are over 52 food-related items (restaurant picks and new recipes) that I haven’t had a chance to share with you yet. Also, there are some new recipes that I want to try this year.
In 2020, I plan to share a food-related post each week. In addition, I’ll share seasonal items and weekly monthly “K-Notes”. The latter will simply be work and/or life observations and article links. Since I keep track of things on my phone’s “Notes” app and the aNotepad.com free online notepad, I’m just calling them K-Notes. I look forward to seeing what great things this new year will uncover!