Since Michael has been in pre-kindergarten, he has been drawn to one of his classmates. I’ll call him “David”. Every week (if not every school day), my husband and I have had constant David updates – David said this, David did that, yada, yada, yada.
As the school year is winding down, Michael and David decided that they were going to set up a play date. So, one day when I picked Michael up from school, he gave me a piece of scrap paper with a “5” on it. When I asked what it was, he informed me that it was David’s phone number in a matter of fact tone. David had given it to him to give to me so that I could call David’s mom to set up a playdate. When I explained to Michael that every phone number had as many numbers as ours did (not just one!), he became visibly upset. Then he changed his tactic. “Can’t I just go home with him after school one day? His mom said that it’s alright.” He was not happy with my response that I didn’t know David’s mom and there was no way that I was going to just let him go over their house by himself. (At that point, I had never met the women. David goes to full day pre-k while Michael goes half-day. We had never met face to face or even talked to one another!) As a compromise I told Michael that I would give him one of my business cards to give to David to give to his mom so that she could give me a call if she really wanted to set up the playdate. I did, but didn’t hear anything back. What more could I do?
Fast forward a couple of weeks. Michael comes home with a full phone number and a name. It was the contact information for David’s mom. When my husband asked Michael how he (finally!) got it, my precocious little one replied, “I asked her for it.” Now I had something to work with, so I gave her a call and we arranged a playdate for the very next day. (I got the feeling that her son had been pestering her too!).
The four of us met up and we all had a lovely time. Michael and David saw each other down the sidewalk and started running towards one another. Once they met up, I wondered if they would hug. They didn’t. Being the big “5 year old boys”, they stopped immediately before running into each other and asked, “What’s up?” (It was so cute!) After a quick change of plans (since UP was sold out!), we all had lunch and then went to the park together. Unfortunately, it started to rain about 15 – 20 minutes into the park time. I was able to get a few shots of the boys before the rain fell though….

So, now Michael is asking me when he can have another playdate with David. Oy vey!