Choosing a book topic opened a can of worms!

Today is the day that I am supposed to pick my topic. It was difficult to choose one!

Initially my heart was set on writing a book about raising confident, well behaved young boys” (emphasis on the word “young”…I haven’t reached the teen years yet). I want to make it a combination of expert input, input from other moms and principles that have worked for my family. However, there are so many different reference books that I would want to reread that I know I wouldn’t be able to do the topic justice in just a month. I will do an extended ebook on that topic in 2013.

Next, I decided that I would go with an updated compilation of the most popular content that I have produced over the years on Mom in the City and Foodie City Mom. After browsing through both sites’ Google Analytics, a recipe ebook became the top choice. I even came up with the cute (or perhaps corny?) title “50 Shades of Hunger” as a play on 2012’s top selling books, 50 Shades of Grey and The Hunger Games…as well as a nod to the fact that my husband and kids constantly slip and say that they are hungry. I have a thing about words…none of them have ever been “hungry” a day in their lives! Anyway, the ebook would include 50 easy recipes that my family and friends are always eager to eat. Yay! I picked a topic.

Then, I read comments and messages from my I’m Writing a Book post. Practically everyone thought that I should write a career book! My wheels started turning again and I strongly considered changing my topic. I do get asked a lot of questions about how I was able to “stay the course” of staying at home with my kids (until they were in full day school) while building a fun career that supplemented – without overtaking – my stay at home mom lifestyle. After speaking with my husband Reggie, I decided to stick with the recipes ebook though. Much like the “raising boys” book, I would want to do a lot more time-consuming research before tackling the subject. (Besides, that is a mouthful for a title. 🙂 )

After all of that angst, I finally selected my topic for this ebook. In the process, I have also picked the topics of the two ebooks that I will research and write in 2013. I’m excited. If you are participating in #30days or #EBookWriMo, was this part of the process easy or hard for you? In any event, I’ll update you on my progress with this challenge on Monday. Have a great weekend!

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