Happy Friday! It seems as if this month has flown by. Coding camp for Michael and a family visit to Virginia were two of the highlights. That is why they are my “Friday Favorites” this week.

1. Computer Science Camps for Kids: Michael won a lottery and attended a Google CS First camp this month. He had a great time and learned a lot. By the end of the course, the teacher was having him help the other kids. He may very well be a computer programmer – like his father’s first career.
One of the things that Michael noted was that the course could have been done from home instead of at the training site. Connected Camps, which is offering a “Summer of Minecraft Camps” for kids that I have read great things about, is an online course moderated by counselors via servers. (They have summer camps still available through the end of August if you’re interested.)
2. My family: After God, my family is the most important thing to me. Spending time with my immediate family (on a road trip to VA and back) reminded me of how lucky we are to both like and love each other. Spending time with my dad, mom and siblings (especially celebrating my oldest brother’s birthday) were also very special.

3. Crabs: There is a crab factory in Newport News, Virginia where I grew up. I try to have them when I go home to visit. I’ll admit that I overdid it this time. (My dad had bought crabs for me, my niece had crabs for me and I had crabs at Captain George’s buffet for my brother’s birthday outing.) I’ll pace myself the next visit!

I hope that your summer is being filled with your favorite things (and people) too!