Coney Island Amusement Park Adventures

Coney Island Amusement Park

Sean and I visited Luna Park, a Coney Island Amusement Park, as media guests a couple of weekends ago. (Michael had a fever, so Reggie stayed home with him.) Sean is a little adventurer. He wanted to go on practically all of the rides. We started off at The Carousel, which was a nice calm ride. That was the last time that my stomach was settled for the day!

The next ride, “Happy Swing” unsettled my stomach for the rest of the day! I don’t know how that happened…it was one of the easiest/ “mild thrill” rides, but for some unknown reason, the back and forth swinging motion did not agree with me. Sean enjoyed it though. After that, he dragged me to as many rides as he could. I like amusement park rides overall, so I actually enjoyed the rest. The Wild River water ride, The Tickler roller coaster and the Electro Spin were our top three favorites.

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The week following my Coney Island visit, a southern work colleague reached out to me to see if I had any Coney Island tips. I will tell you what I told her: “Coney Island Fun Guide  is the best place to see what is going on during the specific dates of your visit. [My one tip is to purchase the four-hour ride wristband ($32) if you are ride lovers. It works out to be more cost-efficient than paying per ride.]

We had a really great time and I highly recommend this local amusement park gem.

Luna Park in Coney Island
1000 Surf Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11224
(718) 373.LUNA (5862)