My husband Reggie and I attended Michael’s fifth grade graduation last Friday. I thought that I would cry, but I did not. In fact, I’m kind of relieved. Although he is ending one chapter and starting another, I’m kind of ready for this chapter to be over. The last couple of years has been a bit challenging. While the education that Michael has received has been outstanding, I have questioned our decision to place our brown boys in a school where there aren’t many other brown kids and I’m glad that the middle school that he is attending is more racially diverse. Of course, middle school will have its own wealth of social encounters to maneuver. Is it time for high school graduation yet? 🙂
I will admit that it has been a burden when a few kids have used the “n” word towards Michael and don’t even get me started on “Black History Month”. Even though it is 2015, it is still not a walk in the park for kids to be young, gifted and Black. Although I would be seething inside when Michael would share the things that some of his classmates had said to him – especially when one told him that he didn’t belong in school because he was Black (?!) – my constant response was, “Don’t sink to their level. You can show people whom you are better than you can tell them.” I was definitely nodding my head to the lyrics of Miley Cyrus’ “The Climb” as the kids sang it at graduation:
Keep on movin’
Keep climbin’
Keep the faith baby
It’s all about, it’s all about the climb

In any event, we are very proud of Michael and his perseverance. Soon, we will get to enjoy the summer break before the “middle school chapter”. Whoa…
Did any of your kids graduate this year? If so, how did you feel about it?