One of the silver linings of my husband and kids being at home more is that we have plenty of time together. While I enjoy some television shows and movies, some of my favorite times at home are when we are unplugged and playing games together. I shared these games for kids 8 and up a while ago…and we still enjoy them!
My sons are now 13 and 16, but these board games/traditional games are still family favorites. We have played Taboo and Dominoes this past week…
13 of the Best Non-Screen Games for Kids 8 and Up
1. Backgammon: I remember enjoying playing this classic game with my family when I was a kid. I plan on re-learning it again this summer so that I can teach it to my kids.

2. Cards: There are so many different card games but Spades is my favorite. Over the summer, Reggie and I taught our sons how to play the game and they became the first team to ever beat us in the game! I’m torn between being proud of them…and wanting a rematch. (My fellow Spades-players will understand…)

3. Checkers: Another classic game, checkers makes you use your brain as you come up with a strategy to take all of your opponent’s game pieces. We all love playing this game.

4. Chess: Our sons know how to play this game. I don’t so Sean has agreed to teach me this summer. He was trying to teach me the rules on a walk to school but they haven’t “stuck” in my mind yet!

5. Clue: Although I’m not skillful at it, this murder mystery game is entertaining. (I’m usually the last to figure out the killer!)

6. Dominoes: There are different ways to play this game, but we just try to match the bones with the same number of dots. The person with the lowest number of dots left at the end of the game wins at our home. You know when the game is really starting to get exciting because people start to slam the dominoes down.

7. Hand motion games (Simon Swipe and Bop It): Simon Swipe is an electronic take on the popular “Simon Says” game. Bop It games are similar audio games where players follow a series of commands. Both are interesting.

8. Jenga: The classic version of this block-stacking game is challenging but the Jenga Tetris version is even harder. (I often get the classic version as family gifts for white elephant parties.)

9. Monopoly: I don’t think that we have ever finished playing this game according to the rules. It’s still a blast to buy and trade properties for a certain time frame though.

10. Scrabble: It’s always interesting to see what new words people will try to get away with while playing this word game.

11. Taboo: Now that the kids are a bit older, they are really skilled at this word guessing game. (It’s also excellent for parties.)

12. UNO: The classic UNO colors and numbers matching game is good but we have even more laughs with UNO Dare which allows you to set your own rules.

13. Bingo: Being the first one to shout “Bingo” is a thrill for all ages.

We have other games in our closet, but these 13 are a great place to start when it comes to games for kids 8 and up. If I missed one of your favorites, definitely let me know. Thanks!
Two Bonus Game Picks
1. AKA (Also Known As) Wordplay Game: My family really enjoys this game that I was given at a holiday media event. This particular game is great because it makes you alter the way that you think. It’s harder than it looks but your mind adjusts after a few rounds.

2. True Balance Coordination Game: The wooden version of this game is so much fun. It’s harder than it looks. My husband wouldn’t stop until he was able to do it. Then, Sean did it. Finally, I figured it out. (My oldest son Michael didn’t care enough to keep trying.)

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{Updated. Originally posted on 6/21/16.}