I can’t believe that five years ago, I started “Mom in the City” on June 3rd. It has kind of been like my third “kid” – constantly changing and evolving.
1. First it was a website for my offline mom group “Mom in the City”. I was amazed how mothering new and young kids created an instant bond between mothers when we met up at various events throughout the city. It was obvious that moms at that stage wanted/needed to have that interaction as evidenced by the fact that our events had wait lists practically every time. Nothing beats that human interaction. I miss that I don’t get to see my early friends as much but….

2. Our kids grew up and most of us had a second kid. I still hosted a some events, but it became evident (to me, anyway!) that it is very challenging for 2 year olds and 5 year olds to enjoy the same things in a group setting. Our older kids were starting to get bored by the mixed events. So, most of the events from then on became “Moms-only” with a sprinkling of family events. Those second kids… 🙂

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3. Meanwhile, because of the Mom in the City website (where I was listing local events and parenting resources), I was offered a work at home job as the “Family Expert” for the Major Metro NYC area for Babyzone and later Parentzone. I did that for 3 years until the company was sold. Looking back, I didn’t realize how good I had it. I was paid (well) to basically live my life and write about it. By the end though, I was a bit burnt out. The truth is that although I loved the NYC coverage, it was hard to write about places that I had barely visited (i.e. Long Island and Northern New Jersey).

4. At my husband’s suggestion, I kept Mom in the City live during my other writing gigs. “It’s always good to have your own,” he would say…and (as usual) he was right. I changed it from a website to a blog, because I got tired of asking my computer programmer (at the time) husband to do the html – blog equalled online freedom! Over time, in order to not directly compete with my employers, I stopped covering local events and resources and just started sharing information that I felt would be helpful to my core readers…it became my “hodgepodge” blog – a mixture of giveaways (I love when moms get something special for themselves!); reviews (I like giving my opinion on everything…including “stuff”.); expert information (I’m a lover of information, so I love sharing things that can help simplify and/or enhance the lives of other moms.); and “sprinkles” of my personal life (My husband is a private person and I respect that. I have enjoyed this blog, but I love peace in my home even more!).
To my utter surprise, the blog really took off. I have met so many amazing people both online and offline (bloggers, marketers, moms, etc.) that I can’t even begin to start naming names. It has also provided some wonderful opportunities that I never expected. I’m not someone who believes their own press, but it has been fun to get several press mentions; speak at various conferences and panels; and to truly partner with several great brands. (If nothing else, it makes my mom happy…even though she still doesn’t understand why I don’t ask for autographs.) Who knew that my “hobby” would open so many doors?

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5. Now, I’m at a crossroads. Initially, my goal was to keep Mom in the City until it turned 5, since it was geared towards moms with kids 5 and under. Last year around this time (I always reflect at birthdays/anniversaries/etc.), I just thought that I would keep it going until Sean turned 5. A lot has changed over the last year though. I took on a camp administrator position which has set my “business mind” back in motion – with all of the budgeting, contracts, details and such. Also, I have noticed that I want to share more than “sprinkles” of my life. (There really is something “addictive” about sharing your life online to any degree. I have always written in journals at home, but now I’m tempted to share more online.) The problem with that is that the stories that I want to share are not my own…they just effect me…and will continue to do so in greater degrees as time goes by. Also, Michael has now become more private (like his Daddy!). He will go to an event and be social and have fun. He has no problem with that. However, I have noticed that he doesn’t want me to share his normal, every day stories. (He will say something like, “You aren’t going to take a picture of that or blog about that…are you?) My little boy is growing up. Sniff. At least I still have Sean for a few more years…

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So, what’s next for Mom in the City?
Your guess is as good as mines. I won’t be making any decisions until camp is over at the end of August. Over time, I have learned that it is not best for me to make a decision when my life is super full like it currently is. I have some ideas that I’ll share with you next week regarding various ideas that I have/ where my current passions lie. For now, I just want to say “Thank You!” to my core readers who have come along for the ride so far. YOU ARE THE BEST. I’m very clear on that!