As many of you know, I love stationery like cards and journals. I just like to write things down and cross them off! One paper item that I have never found was a complete all-in-one 3 month planner. Instead, I would combine multiple components – an overall calendar, weekly “brain dump” sheets, and daily “to do” index cards.
That is why I decided to make my own planner for 2020. Since I’m a 12 Week Year book fan, I chose to create a 3 month planner but you can choose any time period that you like when making your own planner.
How to Make Your Own 3 Month Planner
- Decide what you would like to have included in your planner.
I thought through the pages that I use from a variety of sources and put them all into one planner. While I have my long-term and calendar year goals, I tend to focus on things quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily. That is why my personal planner has room for quarterly thoughts – including my “ONE THING“, the most important priority for the quarter. For January – March 2020, it is “Enjoy good health – *3 John 1:2. - Gather all of the necessary content.
Some of my pages, I created with the Over app and in Canva. Philofaxy also has some really great FREE (for personal use) year, month and week on two pages downloads that saved me a lot of time. - Combine everything into one document.
I did that in Canva. (You can see my planner design.) The great thing is that by creating your own planner, you can highlight the various things that you care about and are focusing on. - Print and bind your planner (or have someone else do it).
You can print your final document out yourself and have it bound at your local copy store. For this first time, I did everything online by using Office Depot’s printing service. Their Wire Bound Presentations were much less expensive than Staples online. The total was around $25. (I would have picked the planner up if I lived near an Office Depot, because the shipping was almost half of the total.)
My Planner Flip Through
Done for You 3 Month Planners
Don’t get me wrong – there are many great pre-made 3 month calendars on the market. I’m just “particular” about certain things. If you don’t want to make your own planner, below are five highly recommended ones that I drew inspiration from:
- Savor Life Planner // 90-Day Organizer
- 90X Goal Planner
- The 12 Week Year Planner
- SELF Journal by BestSelf
- The Full Focus Planner by Michael Hyatt
If you have a favorite planner, please let me know. I’m still “open” to buying a premade one!