At the start of the summer, I met up with a couple reps from Kindle to learn more about the Kindle Fire HD and Kindle FreeTime. After our meeting, I was sent a Kindle Fire HD for the boys to enjoy. My 6-year-old son Sean has claimed this tablet as his own…and I’m glad that he has! The Kindle Fire HD has apps, books, games, movies, music, access to the Internet and more. Sean mainly uses it for the games and to watch movies though. (My 9-year-old son Michael has read some books on the Kindle too.) There are several things that I appreciate about having the Kindle Fire around…especially the Kindle FreeTime option.
The Kindle FreeTime controls sets the Kindle Fire HD tablet apart from the other various tablets and laptops in our home. The system allows parents to create up to 8 different profiles so that you can allow content that is appropriate for each child in their specific profile. It also allows parents to set daily time limits. The limits are not just for overall time, but you can set specific limits for reading books, watching videos and using apps. Not only do you get to determine what the kids see on the tablet, but you also get to determine the amount of time. (You can always take the Kindle Fire out of FreeTime mode when you want to use it as long as you have the password that you set up.) You can see for yourself in this short video below:
In any event, it frees up my (valuable!) mental space to not have to be concerned about what and how much media my kids are consuming on their tablet. You can learn more about the Kindle Fire HD and Kindle FreeTime on, one of my affiliate partners. While you are on the Amazon site, you can also learn more about Kindle FreeTime Unlimited, a monthly subscription service that provides unlimited access to thousands of kid-friendly books, games, apps, movies and TV shows.