Learning to Drive: Five-Hour Course

My last major goal of the year is to learn how to drive. (As a background, you can read my 12/31/07 post, I Resolve to Make My Own Goals in 2008). Since it’s only a few more months in the year, I took my second step (taking the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles approved five-hour course in driving fundamentals) this past Saturday. (The first step was getting the learner’s permit, which I’ve had for over a year!).

Beforehand, I was expressing to my husband that I wasn’t sure that I could sit still for a five hour class without falling asleep. He told me that I might get “lucky” and have a teacher who condensed the information into a shorter time period. He was wrong. It was obvious from the start of the class that our instructor took his role VERY seriously. We weren’t going anywhere early.

“Every 12 ½ minutes, someone is getting killed on a highway.” That’s how the class began. For me (someone who is extra squeamish about car safety) this was not a particularly upbeat way to start the class. Throughout the seminar, our instructor “R” constantly referred to driving as a “video game” and encouraged us to develop a “war mentality”.

Throughout the class (which definitely could have been shortened – “R” spent the first hour telling us his life story!) I had to keep reminding myself…DON’T FALL ASLEEP! I did learn a few helpful/random tips like the following:

-I can measure 15 feet (the amount of space I need to park away from a fire hydrant) by counting 3 sidewalk boxes (in NYC anyway)

American Automobile Association (AAA) is a great resource (we already have it through my husband).


-I should have a “The Club” type object to break my window in case I’m submerged under water in my car. It’s also helpful to have a knife (to cut off a defective seatbelt) and a flashlight in my glove compartment. “Always be prepared” was my instructor’s mantra.

During the class, two films were shown. One film was called “Crash” which focused on the importance of seatbelts, airbags, head restraints and proper baby/child restraints. (Great message, but I don’t need to see several car crashes in one film!) The second movie was about drinking and driving. In, it an 18 years old driver kills 8 of his teen friends while drinking/smoking marijuana/driving fast. As the movie ends, the judge looks at the viewer and asks us how the teen should be punished. That’s how my 5 hour class ended – we all gave our opinions regarding sentencing. What a downer! In any event, this was not an encouraging start to my driving “adventure”, but I “survived” (yay!). Now, on to the road lessons in October….wish me luck (and safe driving!)…

(To see what other moms around the web are “tackling” today visit Tackle it Tuesday).