Mom in the City Q&A

Here are four questions that I get asked the most by members and readers:

What exactly do you do work-wise?

In addition to being the lead blogger and event planner for “Mom in the City”….

-My first and full-time job is raising my two sons Michael (4) and Sean (16 months). Hopefully, this will be my primary job until they are both in school.

-Then, my “for-pay” job is New York City & Long Island Major Metro Local Guide for / There, I maintain a family-friendly events calendar and share local resources (everything from pregnancy services to playgroups).

-I also write a weekly column for Harlem News Group, a series of local community newspapers, as their Family Editor.

Other than that, I do various speaking, writing and consulting projects as they arise.

When do you find the time to get all of those things done and have a life?

-For the most part, I’m pretty organized. I have a weekly work schedule that I (pretty much – life permitting) stick to. I don’t usually work more than three hours a day (one hour in the morning; one hour while the kids nap/rest; and one hour after the kids are in bed.) Also, since the focus of all of my work is parenting, it’s easier. I basically write about my life!

How are giveaway winners chosen?

-My dear husband created a random number program. For the majority of giveaways, I simply put the number of people who enter the contests in and it pops out the winning number. (I’m too sentimental to be objective in picking!)

You rarely include negative information/reviews on your site. Do you get paid for posts?

-No, I don’t do “pay –to-posts”. In fact, at this point, I don’t even accept advertising. In general, I only mention and review things that I like or think that my readers will like. If I don’t like something, I simply won’t write about it. No need to waste my time – or yours.