I really need some time to rest and think of nothing.
-A Friend
A close friend texted the above message to me last week. (I wasn’t the “friend” but I was there emotionally a couple of months ago!) Many of my friends have a lot of responsibilities. Singles, Marrieds and especially Married with kids have voiced similar sentiments over the last few months. My advice to my friend – and anyone else who is feeling this way – DO IT! I recently took a day off and I highly recommend that other moms consider doing so also.
I read so many articles that said moms really wanted “a day away” for Mother’s Day 2021. (I also mentioned a hotel stay on the Mother’s May: 7 Gift Ideas for Moms Like Me post earlier this month.) The great thing about being grown and making your own money though is that you can buy your own gifts. I took on an extra little work project last month so that I could treat myself. If you would like to treat yourself to a day off, I have a few tips.
Pick a Date for Your Day Off
Even if you can’t take a day off right away, pick a date. It might take a little time to get your finances and childcare in place. That is fine but there is something great about having a special time to look forward to. Although my getaway didn’t happen until May 23rd because I wanted to be fully vaccinated, I booked my hotel on April 14th. Every time something threatened to steal my peace in the interim, I would say “May 23rd”. It was my personal “Serenity Now”!
Plan Your Day
Loosely plan out your day off. I plan a lot of things for family, friends, ministry and work. My mantra is “make it special”. That doesn’t necessarily mean spending a gazillion dollars. Rather, it’s about thinking through what will make it memorable for the recipient. We moms make things special for others. We should make things special for ourselves too!

Enjoy Your Getaway
Enjoy your stay (guilt-free)! Highlights of my getaway included the following:
*I stayed at The Benjamin hotel in Manhattan…specifically for their “Rest and Renew” program and bathtubs. Overall, it’s still a great time to book hotels before they go back to their pre-pandemic prices so reserve your hotel as soon as possible.

*My friend Pam and I toasted my 48th birthday with a wonderful Moscato from FLO (For the Love Of), a Black-owned winery.

*I was in the mood for ramen so I ordered delivery from Toto Ramen. It was one of the best pork buns and Ramen bowls that I have ever tasted.

*Initially, I planned on watching a couple of inspirational movies. “The Equalizer” with Queen Latifah was on though so I caught up on that instead.
*One of the highlights of the getaway was a luxurious bubble bath. One funny thing about having a blog is that friends and family sometimes read your posts for gift inspiration. As a result,I received (2) Antica Farmacista Bubble Bath in Orange Blossom Lilac & Jasmine. I’m happy though because it smells so good.
*I don’t really have a meditation practice but I tried two short ones that the hotel offered from The Path, which teaches meditation courses and classes. I liked the second, focus-themed one that was offered.
*I ended my time away with some time in the Scriptures and journaling. This past year was a lot so it was good to be reminded that:
I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13

Credit: stormy nesbit
I hope that this post prompts some ideas for your own day off! Do whatever brings you joy. For instance, I would have normally included a massage in the mix. I’m not quite ready for strangers to touch me yet though so I skipped it this time. Whatever you choose, make it happen!
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