NaBloPoMo 2011: The BEST Mothering Choice

Earlier today, I was speaking to a couple of young ladies who were grappling with whether or not they should stay at home with their kids. Someone had mentioned to them that staying at home with their young kids was the best choice if it was an option for them financially. I expressed that I … Read More

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Salma Hayek, REDBOOK, Puss In Boots and a Charity Auction

Monday was a fun family night.  We had been invited by REDBOOK to celebrate Salma Hayek being on the November cover of the magazine and to see a screening of Puss In Boots.  There was also going to be a boot collection and a silent auction of women’s and children’s boots. We don’t normally take … Read More

Five dishes from one (huge!) zucchini

Along with happy memories, we brought some local produce back home from our camping trip in the Adirondacks…including a HUGE zucchini. Let’s just say that by the end of the week, we were all “zucchinied” out for a while. I will buy smaller zucchinis in the future though, because it is a vegetable that everyone … Read More

Summer 2011: The Colemans’ “Summer of Fun”

The summer of 2010 was crazy.  I definitely worked too much and played too little.  Instead of being refreshed, I was exhausted by the end of August.  It actually took me the rest of the year to fully recuperate.  That will not be happening again this year in regards to things that I have some … Read More


Podcast Appearances Entrepreneur on Fire Becoming a Profitable Work from Home Mom/Dad Entrepreneur How She Does It with Marva Smith Wonder Inc. Wellness Parenting, Schooling & Chasing Joy Kimberly (Mom in the City/Foodie City Mom) has had several other press mentions:  -Kimberly was featured in the Rising Up to Face Racism Conversation Starter portion of … Read More

Sister Act on Broadway Was “Fabulous, Baby!”

Last week I went to see Sister Act on Broadway with a dear friend. Originally, when I won the tickets at Mom’s Nite Out, I planned to take my husband Reggie with me, but he was kind enough to let me have a ladies night out. When I returned home, I told him that Sister … Read More

HOP Movie Is A Hoppin’ Good Time

If you don’t know Meredith Sinclair (Hoo-dee-Hoo), you are missing out. She is a wonderful mom blogger whom I met in NYC last year. She is one of those women who are beautiful…both inside and out. That is why I was so happy that she agreed to go to a Beverly Hills press junket for … Read More

The Next Great ______ (Fill in the Blank)

Business is in my blood. I just love learning about the inner workings of successful companies. As the time for Sean to go to full day school draws closer (1 year, 6 months and counting down), I can feel the call of getting back into the mix growing stronger. That is why love shows like … Read More

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Nickelodeon All Access Cruise: My Final Recap

We came home earlier today. Disembarking was a bit tedious due to the long lines, but we are just happy for a safe return. One thing that was a little “trippy” was that they didn’t screen our bags when we came home off the ship. We didn’t have anything illegal, but who would have known … Read More