Back to School: Sadness turned to joy

Whew! We made it through the first day of school today…and it was wonderful. How was it for you and your little ones? Today was much better than yesterday when I was in a really funky mood that I just couldn’t shake. It was one of those days when little thing were annoying…like school supplies. … Read More

Back to School Nerves (Michael’s and Mines)

We have slowly but surely been getting ready for Michael’s first day of first grade tomorrow… On Saturday, we bought the backpack. Of course Sean had to get a backpack too. Guess which backpack belongs to which child :-). On Monday I bought Michael’s first day of school outfit. My husband thought that I was … Read More


NYC public school students finally joined the rest of the country and went back to school today…. My youngest son Sean still enjoys taking back to school photos. Meanwhile, Michael tolerates me being the parent paparazzi. (I’ll take it!) 😊 I hope that all of your kids had a smooth re-entry back to school…and that … Read More

Back-to-school clothing shopping (and a giveaway)

Congrats to the winner: susan smoaks items I can hardly believe that the summer is almost over and school will be starting in around two weeks. Have you already done your “Back to School” shopping yet? We have already bought all of the school supplies, but I have not purchased one item of clothing … Read More

Dinnertime’s the Real Back-to-School Challenge

I asked Professional Organizer Lea Schneider of Organize It Right Now to address the biggest organizing challenge for moms of young kid in the fall/back to school season. I found her response (below) to be very helpful. Enjoy! Dinnertime’s the Real Back-to-School Challenge By Professional Organizer Lea Schneider During back-to-school season, you’d think moms would … Read More

Why We Didn’t Choose The NYC Specialized High School Offer

We waited until the last minute to make our decision regarding where our youngest son Sean will attend high school this fall. Like many NYC students, Sean received two offers. We ended up choosing our local high school instead of the NYC specialized high school. Initially, my husband and I thought that we would go … Read More

FREE 50-Page Remote Schooling Moms Ebook

As I mentioned in the Survey Says! (Mom in the City Reader Survey Results) post, several readers have asked me questions about distance learning lately. In case you missed the Remote Schooling Moms series that I did in the fall of 2020, I compiled the themed posts in an eBook. Initially, I felt panicked and … Read More