Tips On The Work/Life Juggle From An Actual Circus Mom

Congrats to the winner: Amanda Let me start off by writing that I don’t believe that work/life balance exists. (That’s ironic since I’ll be a panelist on the Blog/Life Balance panel at Blogalicious09.) However, I do believe that you can “have it all” – just not as much of it all at the exact same … Read More

“Pearls of Wisdom” For Fighting Cold And Flu Viruses

Today, I visited the Kleenex Anti-Viral (KAV) Tissues’ Battle the Bug exhibit at the Bronx Zoo. It’s their last stop (after visiting eight cities across the country) on the tour. While there, I co-hosted a small mom meet-up at this interactive exhibit along with Jen, Marinka and Nicole. Emily from The Motherhood (who coordinated the … Read More

I (Finally!) Completed The 30 Day Challenge

Recently, I completed the 30 Day EA Sports Active Challenge. It only took me two months to do so. Oh, well… This game really is like having a personal trainer in a box. (It just doesn’t call you when you miss a session – hence the two month completion time. Also, instead of being priced … Read More

“Family Friendly” Travel Tips: Part II

Below is the second portion of the travel tips from Alex McCord and her husband Simon van Kempen. You can learn more about their family at their McCord van Kempen site. (You can see Part I here.) At the Airport and On the Plane: “If possible, check the configuration of the plane before choosing your … Read More

Six Tips on Fostering Curiosity in Children

I love, love, love the following guest post on how to cultivate curiosity in children. It’s from Todd Kashdan, GMU professor and author of CURIOUS? Discovering the Missing Ingredient to a Fulfilling Life. (He also has toddler twins.) You can see a short video introduction about his book directly preceding his commentary. Enjoy! One thing … Read More

Defenders of the Heart: Managing the Habits and Attitudes That Block You from a Richer, More Satisfying Life

Family Fun During a Recession

Right now, my immediate family has not been negatively affected by the recession. I’m grateful for that and know that circumstances could change any day. That is why I’m happy to share some family fun during a recession ideas. We aren’t doing a whole lot of traveling this month though. My husband has school and … Read More

Cheeburger Cheeburger Cured My “Moving Blues”

I really don’t like moving. I really, really don’t like moving within New York City. You would think that I would be used to the rental market having lived here practically half of my life. You would be wrong. When it comes to real estate, I revert back to my Virginia roots. There, if you … Read More

12 (Budget-Friendly!) Fun Family Spring/Summer Activities

As the weather gets warmer outside, there are so many fun things to do. That’s why I’m happy that Bette Holtzman, vice president of consumer and family advocacy at The Goldberger Company is sharing 12 fun family activities that will cost little (or no) money during the warm weather below. (Those of us who are … Read More

A Number on a Piece of Scrap Paper

Since Michael has been in pre-kindergarten, he has been drawn to one of his classmates. I’ll call him “David”. Every week (if not every school day), my husband and I have had constant David updates – David said this, David did that, yada, yada, yada. As the school year is winding down, Michael and David … Read More

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Kid’s Corner: Busy Box, Name Your Tune & WEDGITS

I have been sent some great kid items to review lately. Below are three of my favorites: Kid’s Busy Box This company, which was started by five moms in the DC area, is so smart! I’ve repeatedly said that I’m not a “crafty mama”, but I can follow directions. That’s whey the Busy Box is … Read More