Twenty Five Ways to Be the Best Mom Ever

Just in time for Mother’s Day, I’m happy to share with you the following list as compiled by Dr. Sharon Fried Buchalter. She is a clinical psychologist, life coach, public speaker, hypnotherapist and author. Two of her books, Children are People Too and New Parents are People Too have received many honors and awards. “Smart … Read More

I know that I’m a city mom because…

1. I use parks and playgrounds as my “backyard”. 2. I have to come up with a variety of things to keep my kids’ entertained during the school commute via subway. and 3. My social calendar is filled with more kids’ birthday parties than adult gatherings. (Granted, that’s practically every mom at some point or … Read More

Celebrate positive interactions with kids during Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month. So, this is a great time to encourage your child to pick up a pencil and transport their thoughts onto paper. (Granted, most of our preschool aged children will need some help.) Teresa de Grosbois, children’s author and international speaker, shares some tips for parents trying to help their kids … Read More

Personal Lessons from First Lady Michelle Obama’s Life

I couldn’t wait to receive my April issue of O THE OPRAH MAGAZINE when I learned that Oprah would be sharing the cover with First Lady Michelle Obama. It wasn’t really the cover that I was concerned with. Rather, I wanted to read Oprah’s interview with the new First Lady. I was not disappointed. Not … Read More

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Michael’s Mom

This weekend, we celebrated Michael’s fifth birthday. Actually, we’ve been celebrating for over a week… Since we decided that we weren’t throwing a big birthday party this year (last year, my hair caught on fire!), we had a few different smaller celebrations. -We went to Chuck E. Cheese’s as a family last week at Michael’s … Read More

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How to Protect Your Child from Identity Theft

A little while ago, one of my friends mentioned to me that she had to go through a series of paperwork because her daughter’s identity had been stolen. Her daughter was less than 2 at the time! Since then, I have heard several stories about child identity theft. Apparently, children make great targets for identity … Read More

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Five Tips for a Happier Family in 2009

Psychotherapists Marilyn Kagan, LCSW, and Neil Einbund, Ph.D. are authors of Defenders of the Heart: Managing the Habits and Attitudes That Block You from a Richer, More Satisfying Life. They gave me the following five tips for starting some new activities that can improve the well-being of our families: 1. Give back; teach altruism. Are … Read More

Family Finances

At the end of each year, my husband and I review the prior year and make plans for the upcoming year. We do this separately at first and then together. Finances are one of the areas that we cover. The way we do the finances in our house is that I do each month’s budget … Read More