Mother Knows Best: Meet the Mommy Media

I do several types of parenting writing – for newspapers, for websites and (of course) here on the Mom in the City blog. As I have focused more on blogging consistently this year, the response has amazed me. As a result, I’ve met (or e-met) so many great moms, mom bloggers, marketers, etc. I’ve also … Read More

Tackle it Tuesday: It’s Okay/That’s “Normal”

Recently, a first time mom-friend of mines was expressing that her one year old was yelling at the top of her lungs “for fun” and would laugh as soon as she came in the room. When I assured her that it was normal/nothing to worry about, she wondered aloud why there wasn’t a book that … Read More

Helping Children Eat Healthy

Thanks to Stop & Shop’s Consumer Advisor Andrea Astrachan for the following helpful tips. A link to Andrea’s monthly column online can be found here. Healthy eating habits begin in childhood. As a mom, I know it can be a challenge to help children to eat healthy foods. Here are a few tips to add … Read More

Three Hours at the New York Hall of Science

On Saturday, my family spent the day in Queens with my husband’s parents. To change things up (instead of just hanging around their house for the day and having dinner together), we invited them to the New York Hall of Science. It had been over twenty years since my husband and his family had been … Read More

When Good Parents Get Bad Results

The U.S. News & World Report recently ran a great article called Good Parents, Bad Results. The article shares eight ways that scientific studies have shown that Mom and Dad go wrong when disciplining their kids. I usually take “studies” with a grain of salt. (Back in college, I took a “Research and Methodology” class … Read More

The End of a Dream

Okay, so it’s really not that dramatic as my title suggests… Without a doubt, I love the parenting writing and speaking work that I do.  However, I’ve always wanted a product to sell.  Last year, I began laying the groundwork of a t-shirt company geared towards babies, toddlers and preschoolers.  (Yes, I know – another … Read More

Little Airplane Productions

On Wednesday, my three year old son Michael took part in a focus group for an upcoming show by Little Airplane Productions, the creators of The Wonder Pets, Oobi and more preschool programming.  Beforehand, I told him that his “job” was to listen to the story and then answer the questions that he was asked.  … Read More

I Believe That I Can Fly

(Yes, that’s a picture of me!)  I  took a beginner level Flying Trapeze class at Trapeze School New York (  It was amazing!  Initially, when I saw the school from across the street, I almost chickened out.  “What was I thinking” ran through my head as I hesitantly approached the Pier.  Fortunately, it looked a … Read More

Long Musing on “Balance”

I recently returned from a Columbia College Women’s Networking breakfast.  The New York Times’ “Life’s Work” columnist Lisa Belkin was speaking about “how to realistically balance your career, home and life” (yeah, right). Before Ms. Belkin spoke, the attendees had a chance to get to know each other.  I was glad to meet one of … Read More