The First Day of School (We Both Teared Up For VERY Different Reasons)

So the big day has come and gone. Michael is officially a prekindergarten student! On Wednesday, we went to a special “Mommy/Michael” lunch that we had planned since last week. I asked him where he wanted to go to lunch, since it was “his day”. I was expecting “McDonalds” because he’s a happy meal fan. … Read More

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Works-For-Me Wednesday: Preschool Commute Question

Today, I have a question for you… My dilemma involves Michael’s commute to preschool which begins tomorrow. My family lives in Harlem (in the 140s). Michael’s preschool is in midtown (the 40s). That’s almost a 100 block difference. By subway train, the commute is 45 minutes to an hour each way. -If I come back … Read More

The Preschool Game

I was at a birthday party recently where I met a woman with a child a little younger than my 3 year old son.  As is normally the case, the topic turned to preschool.  I was impressed by her candor.  She said, “My husband and I went back and forth regarding whether or not we … Read More

Amazon Prime Day 2023 Is Here! Get YOUR Best Deals

Amazon Prime Day 2023 is here! This year’s event takes place on July 11th and 12th. There are so many guides available with the “best deals”. Personally, I think that the best deal is buying what you already want (or wanted). If you’re looking to save some money, here are a few tips: Here are … Read More

Working From Home With Kids: How to Make It Work

Many of us are currently working from home with kids this year. Whether by choice or by necessity, the work from home parent lifestyle has both its joys and its challenges. Although I have been working from home since my children were born, this current pandemic reality has switched things up for me too! via … Read More

hello 2018

4 Ways That I’m Saying, “Hello 2018!”

I took a break yesterday because NYC schools were closed due to the winter storm. My husband (a teacher) and my kids were so happy to hear of the closing on Wednesday night.  They were dancing around excitedly -acting like they didn’t JUST have 6 days off.  Anyway, they are back to school so I’m back … Read More

Blogger Bash NYC 2016 Recap – Learn. Support. Connect.

For the last couple of days, I have attended a few of the Blogger Bash NYC 2016 sessions. For my “Friday Favorites” this week, I am sharing the highlights. Blogger Bash offered some great meal sessions, pitching sessions, gifting suites and panels overall.  I was pretty intentional about my time there though. I went to learn … Read More

Favorites: Noise Monitor, Kid Strengths & Bioglyphs

I’m sharing a few of the Middle School things that have stood out to me in a positive way for this segment of Friday Favorites. Bouncy Balls: Michael shared that his science teacher used a website that monitored the class noise level in an interesting way. I did a google search and found the site. … Read More