Last week, I wrote about the advantages of taking kids to pediatric dentists over on Mom in the City. While I love my longtime general/adult dentist (Dr. Schrott on the Upper West Side of Manhattan), there are advantages to taking kids to dentists with a pediatric specialty. I especially like the “tools” that they share. In addition to the normal toothbrush, toothpaste and floss samples, Sean’s dentist gives out a sand timer for kids. His office also sells disclosing solution to help kids brush well.
There are plenty of fancy toothbrushes on the market that indicate when kids have brushed for the recommended amount of time (2 minutes). The simple little one-minute sand timer does exactly the same thing. The kids just turn it over twice and they have brushed from the proper amount of time.
Just because the kids are brushing for 2 minutes still doesn’t mean that they are brushing carefully though! That is where the disclosing solution comes in for training purposes. You simply put a few drops on a cotton swab and cover your child’s teeth with it. Have them rinse a couple of times with water. The solution stains any missed plaque a reddish color, which gives the kids a visual clue as to where they need to brush better. I love it, because my kids see it as a game…with the goal being to see no red! I was able to buy the solution directly from my dentist’s office. However, you can also buy it online at and other sites. (I have no affiliation with Practicon Dental at all. I just found them when I was doing research to see if my dental office was overcharging for the disclosing solution 🙂 ! They also sell sand timers in bulk – in case you have a moms’ group or something that would like them…)
The timer and solution are my favorite pediatric dentist “tools”. Do you have any favorites that I have not been introduced to yet? If so, please share in the “Comments” section below. Thanks!