Last Friday, I went to Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey’s all-new ZING ZANG ZOOM circus playing at Madison Square Garden with Sean and a family friend. (Michael was coming with us, but his school trip to the Central Park Zoo was switched to that day at the last minute. That’s another story though…)
This circus was so amazing! Because I do parenting writing, our family is fortunate in that we get to see practically all of the circuses that come to town. This was one of my favorites. It really was a pleasant surprise, because I didn’t really enjoy the last Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey’s circus that came to Madison Square Garden. (It had too much going on at the same time on one stage for me to enjoy it visually.) In contrast, ZING ZANG ZOOM had the perfect amount of activity (in my opinion). I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Sean did too (and he’s hard to impress!). He was clapping through most of the performance. Overall, I liked that this event had the feel of a great, old-fashioned circus. I have seen many circuses, but this was the first time that I saw someone get shot out of a cannon! Other highlights included the dancing elephants and the Bengal tigers. We took an adult family friend with us and he enjoyed it most of all! Below are some of the pictures that my friend took:

If you get the opportunity to do so, definitely go. You can purchase a 4-pack of tickets for only $44 by logging on to and entering the coupon code: MOM for select show dates (Sunday April 5: 11:00am, 3:15pm, 7:30pm; Monday April 6: 3:15pm, 7:30pm; April 10-12: 11:00am, 3:15pm, 7:30 pm; and Monday April 13: 11:00am, 3:15pm). Also FYI: all Ringling Brother’s circus shows now feature a free pre-show event for all ticket holders that begins an hour before the show begins. During this time, you can bring your family down to the circus floor and meet some of the performers and clowns as well as see some acrobat performances and an elephant that paints!