On Wednesday, I attended lunch with the co-hosts of CBS’s new daytime talk show “THE TALK” and several of my favorite bloggers. It’s very rare (as in it has never happened before!) that I get to sit, eat lunch and chat with Julie Chen, Sara Gilbert, Sharon Osbourne, Holly Robinson Peete, Leah Remini and Marissa Jaret Winokur…all at the same time. I was excited beforehand, but in the back of my mind, I wondered “Do we really need another View-like daytime talk show even if it’s through the lens of motherhood. Really?” After spending time with the co-hosts, my answer is a resounding, “Yes!” I’ll tell you why in a bit, but first I want you to get a glimpse of what I saw and heard in this clip that I took on my tester Droid X. It doesn’t get much more “behind the scenes” than this! 🙂
So, that’s what the various hosts had to say regarding why they wanted to be a part of the show. That’s not the reason for my “yes” though. Moreso, there are three main reasons that I will be tuning in when the show premieres on October 18th. They are the following:
1. The time: The show will air at 2pm EST. I don’t watch a lot of television. I especially don’t watch morning television too much, because I’m too busy with the kids! This 2pm time slot is reasonable though. My home is calm then. Sean is having his nap or quiet time before it’s time to pick up Michael from school. I can realistically “do” 2pm.
2. The women: Each of the co-hosts are fantastic in their individual ways….all very different, but all fabulous. Below are my quick “three-words” first impressions of the six:
-Julie Chen: I couldn’t really get a gauge on her personality, because she was called away for most of the lunch.
-Sara Gilbert: endearing, humble and smart (She came up with the idea for the show and is one of the executive producers, but you would never know it. She was quick to praise and listen in order to get input from others.)

-Sharon Osbourne: powerful, compassionate, and kind (As we all chatted about bullying and helping your kids deal with fame, I was struck by her kindness of heart…and I’m not just saying that she’s kind because she called me “beautiful” when I spoke with her. Really!)
-Holly Robinson Peete: focused, inspring and service-minded (She is definitely the type of women that I would want on my team…no matter what the task!)

-Leah Remini: hilarious, honest and vulnerable (She had us cracking up the entire time. She’s naturally funny. It’s the truth and vulnerability behind her quips that make her so endearing though. On the way out, I told her that she was so funny and so small framed/teeny. The camera really does add weight – all of the women were much smaller than they appear on screen. She was like, “Awww…thank you. Now tweet that!” I did!)
-Marissa Jaret Winokur: bubbly, chatty and enthusiastic (That lady can talk…and talk…and talk. It’s cute on her though, because she’s so excited about everything. It’s really quite sweet and refreshing.)
With all of their different personalities, there is bound to be at least one woman that you can relate to as a mom. I enjoyed spending time with all of them, but it will be interesting to see which ones I will be drawn to the most. Initially, it was Holly and Sharon because I was more familiar with them. I just thought that they were strong, smart women who were devoted to their families. After sitting with the six though, I see that description applies to all of them. So, I’ll see…
And lastly,
3. Respect: I like to hear a variety of opinions. I do. What I don’t like is when people talk over one another or attack the person rather than the difference in views. So, going into the chat I wondered how in the world would six different women with such a wide range of views, lifestyles, etc. come together for this one show. (Honestly, any of the six has enough personality to have her own individual talk show!) I was happy that they addressed that. Their intention is to not talk over each other but to share and listen to diverse opinions. I am hoping that their intention becomes a reality. There’s already enough negativity in the world…and on television.
So, that’s my take. I hope that you’ll tune in to the season premiere on October 18th so that we can compare notes! Definitely let me know your thoughts…
(P.S. Thanks to Beth for the invite!)