“I get so emotional baby. Every time I think of you. I get so emotional baby. Ain’t it shocking what love can do? Ain’t it shocking what love can do?” – Whitney Houston
This Whitney Houston song could have been my theme last week as I prepared to get Michael ready for Kindergarten. I don’t know what happened…it just seemed like I was hit with a weepy stick!
On Monday, I went to see if there was a spot available in the local Kindergarten. Although we had moved to Forest Hills for the excellent schools, there was still a part of me that hoped he would not get a spot for Kindergarten. I’m not a big fan of full day Kindergarten AND Kindergarten is optional in NYC. It didn’t help that (while I was waiting) a little boy was trying to convince his mom to homeschool him! On Monday, I received a number (not a spot), because my doctor’s office had not filled out Michael’s immunization card up to date. I was told to get the paperwork filled out that day and to come back the next day in order to register him.
My homeschooling hopes dragged on for another day. In my mind, I thought, “Well, what if I can’t get the forms done today?” (Earlier in the year, the medical practice had a two week minimum in order to get paperwork filled out.) It wouldn’t be my fault if all of the Kindergarten spots were taken by the time I received the needed forms… I had to try though. Of course (because it was meant to be), I was able to get the updated forms with no problem. When I went back the next day, it became official – Michael received a class assignment. Yay! Sniff. Sniff.
As if that wasn’t enough for (emotional) me on Tuesday, Michael also received a barbershop hair cut. It was actually the second one that he had in life. He had the first one at the age of 2. I told the barber to cut off his “split ends” and my baby came out with almost all of his hair gone! Later, my husband informed me that most ethnic barbers have no idea what I’m talking about when I say split ends. Anyway, I’ve been cutting his hair every since. (I call him and Sean my little Chia Pets – both of them have the fastest growing hair that I’ve ever seen. I have to trim their hair every week – two weeks top. It’s insane.) My husband Reggie took Michael to be barber. Before leaving, Michael said that he wanted to have his hair cut short like “Daddy’s”. I said, “Whatever you guys decide.” It’s a new day. Just like I lost control of the shoe shopping when preschool hit, I have now lost a say in regards to the hair styling. Sniff. Sniff.
When they came home, I couldn’t stop looking at Michael. In a 15 minute span of time, he had gone from looking like one of my nieces to looking like one of my nephews – all due to a barber’s clippers! After one glance too many, Michael said, “Stop looking at me!” In response to my “My Baby, My Baby”, Michael responded “Stop saying that. I hate it.” And why was I getting emotional over this kid?!

Please tell me that I’m not the only one who gets emotional regarding sending their kids to school. Most of the moms that I know are joyfully counting down the days until school starts. (Maybe that will be me for the first grade…)