Spy The Exhibit (Review and Giveaway)

Congrats to the winner Gianna

Last week, I took my sons to a blogging event hosted by my friend Beth (Role Mommy). It was at the Discovery Times Square Spy Exhibit that I had mentioned wanting to see in a post last month. After viewing the exhibition, I think that history buffs and spy lovers of all ages (5 and up) will enjoy it.

The exhibit begins with a real time image of a globe with satellites (weather, intelligence, and such) and a short film on the necessity of spies. Then, there are two floors filled with various spy artifacts throughout the years. Interactive, hands-on exhibits are sprinkled throughout – including the Laser Maze, a kid favorite.

Best of all, Discovery Times Square is giving one Mom in the City reader two (2) tickets to the exhibit! To enter this giveaway, simply let me know your favorite spy movie in the “Comments” section below. I will randomly pick a winner* Wednesday (July 18th) at noon. Good luck!

*Please note that the winner MUST be a Mom in the City newsletter subscriber. Thanks!

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