Over the last couple of months Nate Berkus (yes Oprah’s beloved Nate) and I have become great friends. Okay, not really. I did attend two of his events though.

Back in August, I attended the launch party for The Nate Berkus Show. What I remember the most is how he took time to speak with each blogger who wanted to speak to him. He was very warm and personable. Because I live in NYC, I get to go to several events with various celebrities. I haven’t had one bad experience, but I must say that (to date) Nate and Tyler Florence stand out in regards to how available they make themselves to those who come to see them. Kudos! Most recently, I went to a special 9/21 taping of The Nate Berkus Show. The audience was composed primarily of design bloggers. Somehow, a few of us moms who blog received invites too. (Maybe someone from his staff read that I’m going to be focusing more on “home” for the next few months after my whirlwind summer. Maybe not. Who knows?) Anyway, I went with Becca and Amy since they both love Nate. Personally, I think that Nate is a very natural host. It is obvious that he cares about helping people. Once again, he is also very generous with his time. At the end of the show, he answered questions from the audience after the taping ended until he needed to leave. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a chance to ask my question. So, I’m going to ask you…
My question is, “How do you hang curtains when you can’t put holes in the wall?” . That has been my dilemma since moving into our current home about a year ago. We have blinds covering the window, but I don’t especially love blinds. I want curtains! Curtainworks.com had even reached out to me and sent me a lovely curtain set to review. I chose the Lexington curtains.

I looked over on Apartment Therapy where they had a discussion thread on this very topic. Score! Not. Whoever suggested using 3M hooks owes me $20. My husband went out and bought some hooks and hung the curtains while I was out. He was so pleased with himself (and rightfully so) that I had to bite my tongue…you can see those ugly white hooks peeking through the curtains. Back to the drawing board. Well, just because I’m having curtain issues, doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy a set of curtains from Curtainworks because their customer service and curtains are both really great.
To win a set of curtains (you would get to choose the curtain/color/length on Curtainworks.com), simply let me know which set of curtains that you would pick. For an extra entry (leave it separately), let me know if you have any answers to my curtain dilemma. Leave your answers in the “Comments” section below and I will pick a random winner at the end of the month. Good luck! (I also have 5 coupons for 25% off at Curtainworks.com to give away.)
Thanks to the Nate Berkus Show for the party and show invite. Thanks to Curtainworks for the review and giveaway set of curtains.