This past weekend, my family did a road trip to Virginia for my first family reunion. This was the first time in over seven years that my family (parents, 2 sisters, 2 brothers and myself – along with our respective families) was all together, so my thoughts/feelings are still a bit jumbled. Although I had more fun than I have had in a l-o-n-g time, it was bittersweet. I love living in NYC, but there’s no place like home. I don’t miss people when I’m away from them. When I see them though, a flood of emotions wash over me. At the moment, (emotionally) I want to move back to Virginia and raise my kids around my family. Being around my parents, brothers and sisters just make me want to be my personal best, because they believe in me so much. (I’m the “baby” of the family. Yes, I’m spoiled.)
Then, reality kicks in. I love my life here too. I just need to visit home more often so I won’t be shocked by so many changes all at once! The highlights:
-It was great to see my Dad and my kids together. (This was the first time that he had met Sean.)

-It was wild to see my mom (who had cut off most of her hair!) with all of my new nieces and nephews.

-The thing that tripped me out the most though was seeing how tall my nephews had grown. The last time I had seen one of them, he was small for his age. Now, they all tower over me!

Note to self: I must go home every year. Note taken!