It’s amazing how the next life steps make themselves clear. I have been having the most amazing, random conversations this past week that clarified the rest of the year for me. Last week, I wrote about the evolution of Mom in the City over the last five years on the Go “Mom in the City”, It’s Your Birthday! post. At the end, I mentioned that I would be sharing some ideas that have been floating around in my head regarding what to do next.
-First, I was thinking that it was time for me to sell Mom in the City. Then, I cried at the thought. (It’s amazing how attached you can grow to your little piece of the web!) So, that’s probably not the best option at the moment.
-Then, I thought of bringing on more paid writers to help lessen my load. That way, the site can keep my vision (for city moms by city moms) while I can simultaneously focus more on the business aspect. After speaking to various moms and marketers, I decided that this is what I want to do.
Here’s the thing. I don’t want to go back to full-time outside of the house work. I like being able to fit my work around my family’s schedule and not vice versa. I enjoy having the flexibility in my schedule to go on the school class trips. (That’s probably because I prefer being around the kids more than the grown-ups in the PTA, but that is another story.) Overall, I just like the freedom of my current lifestyle. Right now, my agreement with my husband is that my primary job is to raise the kids until they are both in school full-time. I have two years and three months before that happens – when Sean will start full day Kindergarten. My hope is to be able to build a solid enough business that I have a consistent income stream greater than or equal to the amount that I would make working outside of the home. (Right now, parenting related money comes in “waves”. When it’s good, it’s really good and when it’s not, it’s not!) Can I do it? Yes, I can! I Think So. (Obviously, I have watched too many episodes of Bob the Builder.)
Suffice it to say, I have a huge learning curve. Investment banking/corporate finance and the parenting field are entirely different things. Fortunately, along with some wonderful readers (you!), I have some great mentors/teachers in my corner. So, over the next couple of months, I’ll be doing some research. After I finish my camp administrator position in August, I will hopefully be able to make my ideas a reality. I’m excited to see what happens.
On that note…can you please do me a favor by filling out this short survey? (It really is short – 5 questions.) It will help me to have a clearer picture regarding the future direction of the site. As an incentive, random readers who fill out the survey will get gifts from what is left in my “Mom in the City” closet throughout the summer. That’s where I keep unclaimed giveaway prizes; review items that are great, but just not for minimalist me; etc. Here’s a glimpse of what’s in there now (books, video games, movies, etc.) Thank you and good luck!

Two years, three months…the clock is ticking.