Do you have any plans for the summer? When asked, I didn’t have an answer to that question. This past week, I mainly rested and made loose plans for the next 10 weeks. Now, I have an answer.
Overall, I just want to enjoy loving my husband and kids this summer. It’s our last summer together before Michael turns 18 so I want to cherish it as much as possible. In addition, I want to…
1. Read more books – After a brief hiatus, I love reading books again. My mind races so I realized that I just have to take notes while I’m reading in order to stay focused.
2. Learn how to do a split – My husband and sons think that I’m crazy. As one of my sons said, “You’re 50. You’re going to hurt yourself!” (I’m not 50. I’m 48. He has just been rounding my age up since I turned 47.🤣 )
3. Visit my family in Virginia – Of all the places that we could visit, I love that Michael and Sean chose to visit my side of the family in Virginia when given the opportunity to pick our first post-pandemic family trip. 😍
4. Clean up the content on this site – I’ll only be posting new recipes once a week this summer. A lot has changed since I started blogging 17 years ago and I have almost 2,000 posts on this site. I want to go through them so that I can refresh the relevant ones and archive the rest.
5. Co-create an educational digital product with my son Michael – I believe that everyone has a book or information product in them based on their unique knowledge.
Last week when we decided on Sean’s high school (see Why We Didn’t Choose The NYC Specialized High School Offer), Michael made an insightful observation. He expressed concern about Sean’s future college prep opportunities. Michael was right. I would say that the main advantage that teens who go to “elite” NYC high schools have is access to information about opportunities. (That..and powerful PTAs!)
The great thing though is that I have saved every college preparation-related email that I have been sent this past year. There are 100+ opportunities that I am aware of that are available. I am going to have Michael put them all in a spreadsheet and sell it for a reasonable fee.
On a side note, I was on a business call and mentioned wanting to sell the resource for a reasonable price. The coach was indignant that I wanted to sell it for around $20. He asked, “Why do you want to make it reasonably priced” (when you can sell it at a higher price point)?
I was a bit surprised by his response but it can be good to think about the “why” when doing things. Why? 1. I want to. 2. I can. 3. As a public education advocate, I think that it’s the right thing to do.
Anyway, those are the main things that I hope to do this summer. That leaves plenty of time for my church ministry and other summer “bucket list” items. I’m excited about the next 10 weeks!
I hope that you and your family make time to enjoy the summer with the people that you love doing the things that you love also!